
Article No                                                           Title Download/Author 1 An Economic Analysis of FPOs in the State of Andhra Pradesh: A Comparative Study Based on…

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Article No                                                           Title Download/Author 1 Sustaining Food and Nutritional Security in India: An Assessment of Agri-Food Systems and Scoping for Future*-…

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Feed Cost and Return Over Feed Cost of Holstein Friesian

Feed Cost and Return Over Feed Cost of Holstein Friesian x Kankrej Crossbred Cows Reared under Different Feeding Regimes  Manzarul Islam*and Shailesh Shah†  ABSTRACT  An experiment was conducted to study the effect of different feeding regimes on feed cost and return over feed cost of crossbred cows. For the purpose…

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Oct-Dec 23

Article No                                                           Title Download/Author 1 Agricultural Investments: Trends and Role in Enhancing Agricultural Output and Incomes 01-Niti Mehta 2 Characteristics and…

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Jul-Sep 23

Article No                                                           Title Download/Author 1 REASSESSING AGRI-FOOD SYSTEMS FOR SUSTAINING NUTRITIONAL FOOD SECURITY: EVIDENCE, IMPERATIVES AND WAY FORWARD 01-Gummadi Sridevi 2…

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Apr-Jun 23

Article No                                                           Title Download/Author 1 Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Stress-Resilient Maize Hybrids in Rain-fed Agro-Environment in Karnataka 01-Atul Kulkarni 2…

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Jan-Mar 23

Article No                                                           Title Download/Author 1 PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS : Leveraging Science, Technology and Innovations for Transformation and Sustainability of Indian Agriculture* 01-Suresh…

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Oct-Dec 22

Article No                                                           Title Download/Author 1 Managing Waterlogged Sodic Soil through Land Modification in Canal Irrigated Indo-Gangetic Plain of India – A…

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Jul-Sep 22

Article No                                                           Title Download/Author 1 SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL GROWTH, DIVERSIFICATION AND FARM INCOME 01-kanika mehta 2 Incentives for Experimenting with Sustainable Intensification:…

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Sudden Demise of Professor Yoginder K. Alagh

OBITUARY Professor Yoginder K. Alagh (1939-2022) The Indian Society of Agricultural Economics is extremely sad to inform you about the demise of Professor Yoginder K. Alagh, on December 6, 2022 at the age of 83. Professor Alaghwas a renowned Indian economist and former Union Minister of Government of India, Member…

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